Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How the American Man Really Spends His Day

Here are the results from the latest American Time Use Survey (2007) put out by The Department of Labor. Ross Crooks, from the staff at Esquire, has combed through the results and simplified the findings for you.


Sleeping (Running Total: 8:31:00)

Working (Running Total: 13:02:00)

Leisure & Sports Activities (Running Total: 18:31:00)

Household Activities (Running Total: 19:57:00)

Caring for & Helping Others (Running Total: 20:27:00)

Education (Running Total: 20:51:36)

Organizational & Civic Activities (Running Total: 21:08:24)

Telephone Calls, Mail, & E-mail (Running Total: 21:16:12)

Purchasing Goods & Services (Running Total: 21:54:00)

Eating & Drinking (Running Total: 23:10:00)

Personal Care (Running Total: 23:47:12)

Other Activities (Running Total: 24:00)

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Resources: www.Esquire.com

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