The first American orbits the Earth. In 1962 Astronaut John Glenn Jr. was successfully launched into space aboard the Friendship 7. Glenn, a highly decorated pilot from his flights during WWII and the Korean War, was among 7 men chosen to become America's first astronauts. Glenn orbited around the Earth 3 times before he descended back into the Earth's atmosphere after problems began to occur aboard the spacecraft. Glenn landed in the Atlantic Ocean and was picked up by the USS Noa, with his first words after stepping out, "It was hot in there." Glenn became a national hero and even met with JFK at Cape Canaveral.
The space race was a heated one between the the Soviet Union and the United States beginning when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957. The end is not as definitive, some speculate the Apollo moon landing in 1969 finished it. Russians claim that by sending the first man into space they won the unofficial race, others believe the US claim victory because they landed on the moon first.
No matter the winner, the tension filled race between the two superpowers became less of a nail biter. Now we can look back on our accomplishments and appreciate them for their worth rather than their numerical order.
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