GQ has been giving a lot of love to the tie clip as of late. As seen on the cover of the most recent cover featuring LeBron James, Tie Clips have become an essential piece to your wardrobe. Not only do they keep your tie in place, tie clips add a subtle touch to the perfect outfit. Tie clips and bars seal the deal, when it comes to having everything in the right place, including your tie.
Tie Clips were also featured in last month's GQ as well:

Tie clips have been seen everywhere from J. Crew catalogs to runways and on famous actors and athletes these days.
To shop a new wardrobe essential, tie clips
click here.
Good article. I came across your blog by chance. I happen to be the owner of a online tie retailer and have noticed a large increase in the demand for tie bars.
One advice I can give though: Only choose quality tie bars that have NO sharp edges. Those will pull individual threads of your fine silk ties. For that reason I would never recommend tie pins. Tie chains are also an option but are really not in style these days.
Thanks for posting!
This great post. It was a big help, it is really important the quality of ties. Thanks for the idea share. I’ll come back often.
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