We have all seen them on the street and admired their creative designs. Some are hand painted and other are made of cast-iron and cement. They keep the water below the streets and keep people above but who knew manhole covers could be used in such a variety of ways?
Microsoft used the shape of the cover as a way to see what kind of approach an applicant would take to their question, pragmatic (manhole covers are round because manholes are round) or more philosophical.
The people of Vail have introduced a way to own a piece of the city while staying fashionable. The cities design of their manhole covers have been adorned onto a pair of earrings. A piece of the friendly streets to take with you where ever you decide to go.
Fred and Friends have a collection of city manhole mats! Choose from 8 of the most popular cities including Chicago, LA and London. Good for a chuckle when visitors stop by.
A true icon of the street becomes perfect for your cuff with Ravi Ratan's collection of manhole cover cufflinks. Shown here in sterling silver are New York City manhole cover cufflinks. With over 19 cities from all around the world to choose from, you wont be disappointed with the selection.
This guy learned the hard way that manhole covers are there for a reason.
To shop more manhole cufflinks click here.
To shop more manhole cufflinks click here.
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